Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The tiananmen square essays

The tiananmen square essays Fourteen years ago to this day a tragic event took place in China, especially for the people that had invested so much time trying to gain more freedom. The Tiananmen Square Massacre was a smack in the face for the pro democratic nationalists in China. Months of progress through demonstrating came to a halt during the night of June 3rd, 1989 as two hundred eighty thousand troops entered the square and proceeded to kill an estimated two to seven thousand Chinese nationalists and injure over twenty thousand others. It was almost a revolution. [1] The Tiananmen Square protests may have at the time seemed like a huge waste to the defeated young demonstrators but many changes to the rights and freedoms of the Chinese people have occurred and are a direct result of the events that took place in Tiananmen Square. These changes are not enough for those that have suffered from the events. Many of the families and people that were injured or negatively affected seek criminal justificati on for these crimes. Until the Chinese government can look back upon its past and punish those who were responsible it cannot move on toward the future. Through the use of inhumane rights abuse and propaganda the government has made an attempt to silence the intellectuals that are trying to inform Chinas people of what must be done. What was the government like before the late 80s protests? Why did the event take place? What has changed since the incident? Has the government given its people the rights they deserve? What must be done to forget the past and move forward into the future? In the late 1970s and early 80s Deng Xiaoping brought forward ideas of capitalist reform, which were celebrated throughout China. He was distinguished as a great visionary and reformer. In 1985 Deng was named man of the year by both Time magazine and the National Review. Deng oversaw a stream of market reforms that op...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

An Introduction to the Bell Curve

An Introduction to the Bell Curve A normal distribution is more commonly known as a bell curve.   This type of curve shows up throughout statistics and the real world.   For example, after I give a test in any of my classes, one thing that I like to do is to make a graph of all the scores. I typically write down 10 point ranges such as 60-69, 70-79, and 80-89, then put a tally mark for each test score in that range. Almost every time I do this, a familiar shape emerges. A few  students do very well and a few do very poorly. A bunch of scores end up clumped around the mean score. Different tests may result in different means and standard deviations, but the shape of the graph is nearly always the same. This shape is commonly called the bell curve. Why call it a bell curve? The bell curve gets its name quite simply because its shape resembles that of a bell. These curves appear throughout the study of statistics, and their importance cannot be overemphasized. What Is a Bell Curve? To be technical, the kinds of bell curves that we care about the most in statistics are actually called normal probability distributions. For what follows we’ll just assume the bell curves we’re talking about are normal probability distributions. Despite the name â€Å"bell curve,† these curves are not defined by their shape. Instead, an intimidating looking formula is used as the formal definition for bell curves. But we really don’t need to worry too much about the formula. The only two numbers that we care about in it are the mean and standard deviation. The bell curve for a given set of data has the center located at the mean. This is where the highest point of the curve or â€Å"top of the bellâ€Å" is located. A data set‘s standard deviation determines how spread out our bell curve is. The larger the standard deviation, the more spread out the curve. Important Features of a Bell Curve There are several features of bell curves that are important and distinguishes them from other curves in statistics: A bell curve has one mode, which coincides with the mean and median. This is the center of the curve where it is at its highest.A bell curve is symmetric. If it were folded along a vertical line at the mean, both halves would match perfectly because they are mirror images of each other.A bell curve follows the 68-95-99.7 rule, which provides a convenient way to carry out estimated calculations:Approximately 68% of all of the data lies within one standard deviation of the mean.Approximately 95% of all the data is within two standard deviations of the mean.Approximately 99.7% of the data is within three standard deviations of the mean. An Example If we know that a bell curve models our data, we can use the above features of the bell curve to say quite a bit. Going back to the test example, suppose we have 100 students who took a statistics test with a mean score of 70 and standard deviation of 10. The standard deviation is 10. Subtract and add 10 to the mean. This gives us 60 and 80. By the 68-95-99.7 rule we would expect about 68% of 100, or 68 students to score between 60 and 80 on the test. Two times the standard deviation is 20. If we subtract and add 20 to the mean we have 50 and 90. We would expect about 95% of 100, or 95 students to score between 50 and 90 on the test. A similar calculation tells us that effectively everyone scored between 40 and 100 on the test. Uses of the Bell Curve There are many applications for bell curves. They are important in statistics because they model a wide variety of real-world data. As mentioned above, test results are one place where they pop up. Here are some others: Repeated measurements of a piece of equipmentMeasurements of characteristics in biologyApproximating chance events such as flipping a coin several timesHeights of students at a particular grade level in a school district When Not to Use the Bell Curve Even though there are countless applications of bell curves, it is not appropriate to use in all situations. Some statistical data sets, such as equipment failure or income distributions, have different shapes and are not symmetric. Other times there can be two or more modes, such as when several students do very well and several do very poorly on a test. These applications require the use of other curves that are defined differently than the bell curve. Knowledge about how the set of data in question was obtained can help to determine if a bell curve should be used to represent the data or not.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Dealing with conflicts Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Dealing with conflicts - Assignment Example The land was in a different area from my area of residence. After the purchase, another owner came up claiming that the land was his hence creating a conflict of interest on the right ownership of the land. This was attributed to the fact that, for a long period of time, the area had been faced with problems of land conflict (Adler & Proctor, 2010). This was what I was not aware of and it became a challenge after purchasing the land. It was challenging for me to defend this case because of the difference in our ethnic backgrounds. Date In order to arrive at an appropriate remedy, it was vital that we book an appointment with each other in order to discuss our fate. We agreed to meet after each of us had acquired the right documents that were valid in laying claims on the land. After two weeks, we were all ready to meet each other each accompanied by those who had sold the land. I turned up with all the relevant documents together with the financial transactions that I had undertaken in order to pay for the piece of land (Ronald & Adler, 1981). The claimer on the other hand, also turned up with documents that ended up not being valid and was forced to make a follow up to the person who had sold him the land. The conflict had now been extended to the third party. Negotiation of a Solution The incompatibility between the goals of the buyer and the seller ended up in a conflict between two parties hence a struggle. The scenario indicates that the buyer had negative intentions towards the opposing party with which we were conflicting for the land. The problem in this context was the lack of trust between the initial seller of the land and the buyer who had been conned. Through the win win experiment, it is clear that I won the conflict as it finally came out that the initial seller had negative intentions for his buyer. The seller may have tried to avoid the conflict by defending the first seller but the truth finally came out. This attempt to avoid the truth is a p essimistic attitude and this deceptive behaviour, goes ahead to make the conflict grow hence becoming unbearable in future (Adler & Proctor, 2010). Clans learn to hate their neighbours and conflicts become something normal and part of the society. The need in this context was to find the rightful owner of the land in question. The partner’s point of view was the fact that he also owned the same land I knew was mine. However, further interrogation by using the documents brought a valid solution and the owner was me. Pillow Method The pillow method, serves as a communication tool in which the actions of an individual are justified by his words and sometimes it is through some of the words that a conflict arises. This is because, we are likely to hear something different from what is expected and this may in the end bring about a conflict. For instance, there is the use of the words, â€Å"I’m right, you are wrong,† and they serve as judgmental statements that are likely to end up in conflict. Such statements, often elicit conflict in the sense that the parties have not listened to each other yet they are already judging the situation. It is always advisable to find the strengths in other people’s mistakes in order to avoid conflicts. This is however a rare trait in most individuals who are always quick to judge and confront those who wrong them and the result is a conflict (Crosland, 1987). The method was applicable in my conflict case in the sense that we were able to listen to the two differing parties and reach an applicable remedy to the conflict. This shows that communication is essential aspect in solving conflict and without it consensus and agreement cannot be

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Teaching Evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Teaching Evaluation - Essay Example Those who rely on auditory learning can listen to the lecture and the CDROM. The demonstration part of course helpful to learners who want to touch or experience the procedure. The best part of this method is teaching the student’s the process of preparing the lesson which is the best form of experiential learning. It also develops the habit of planning since materials needed should be anticipated to prevent waste of time. 3. None. No extraneous variables affected the teaching or learning in the group. The probability of having extraneous variables was eliminated by the fact the eight students belong to a group with very similar attributes like same year level. Also, there were no changes in the provision of instruction since the CD ROM is a constant. If there were many instructors delivering different topics, then the scenario would be filled with dependent variables. Thus, the group being homogenous plus the fact that the lesson is just one topic supports the justification that extraneous variables have no effect at all to the group. 4. No. First, the method being widely accepted as mentioned before confirms that this type of lesson is very feasible. From the setting of objectives which is focused on psychomotor skills, it is apparent that the lesson is being done properly because the desired learning outcomes match the objectives. The method is really relevant to the subject since the students must be able to demonstrate the skills in actual life. The materials support the methodology since lecture provides the facts and demonstration provides the enabling of skills through observational learning. Even in social learning theories, students learn by direct observation of an act; thus, this type of learning is recommended to students taking up nursing since the real job requires very high interaction with patients. Lastly, evaluation will definitely yield a good assessment due to the integrated teaching approach that covers all

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Rubicam’s Business College Essay Example for Free

Rubicam’s Business College Essay LAURA: At home†¦ my prized possession was my glass menagerie. [she smiles faintly at the memory] My favourite was the unicorn. However†¦ it broke. I brought the horn here with me. The other part†¦ is with a man. BLANCHE: [she raises her hands in exasperation] Hah! Men! Terrible, hulking brutes most of them are. Especially those Polacks. What was it Wilde said? â€Å"Women are a decorative sex! † If I am to have any chance of happiness I must be innocent, attractive and, most of all, youthful! [Slight polka music can be heard in the distance. ] LAURA: Funny, that sounds like what my mother used to say†¦ Girls are a pretty trap! Screen Image – Amanda Wingfield BLANCHE: [she has a distant look in her eyes as she contemplates the various men that have become part of her past] Yes dear, they are. And don’t you forget it when you’ve still got time. This man who has the unicorn – is he your husband? Boyfriend? LAURA: [getting progressively quieter] In high school Jim was the only one that ever spoke to me. Then he turned up at the house and he†¦ he†¦ kissed me. Of course, he never really liked a cripple like me. He was engaged†¦ [fighting back tears. ] Screen legend – the day at the amusement park BLANCHE: Typical! I too have had my fair share of shocking dates. In New Orleans I met a gentleman named Mitch. [she begins to talk quickly, as if she were addressing herself] I accompanied him to the amusement park on Lake Pontchartrain, a rather dismal place more suited to easily-amused children. However, this was my first date with a gentleman since†¦ since†¦ forever! I could absolutely not afford to mess this one up. [giggly pause] I was as giddy as a schoolgirl courting behind the bicycle shack – not that I would have engaged in such activity, absolutely not – although I fear dear Mitch saw through my facade. I did try. I tried so very hard. I even pretended I was pleased with that ghastly plaster statuette of Mae West. The erogenous nature of her films draws up memories of a past I wish to forget! [the polka music increases in volume and tempo. ] LAURA: [not following] Oh, I see†¦ BLANCHE: Every time I look at a man all I can think of is my dear Allen! I ended up telling Mitch about my past, my marriage, when I was just a girl. It was as if Mitch crashed through the invisible barrier I strived for so long to erect. It just tumbled out! They were words I had desired to tell someone for so long. They had been entombed inside of me for so long it was as if they had gone stale, distasteful even! Even as he embraced me†¦ all I could envisage†¦ was Allan’s desperate touch! [she dramatically outstretches her arms towards an invisible point] Oh Allan, forgive me! [In her fervour BLANCHE knocks over the ketchup bottle, its crimson innards spilling onto her lap. She frantically dabs at it with a serviette, but to no avail. Her white dress has been permanently tarnished, the bloody hue of the condiment combining with the once wholesome dress. ] BLANCHE: [returning to reality with a jolt] Would you look at that mess! What will ever become of us? LAURA: [visibly shaken, but speaking with determination] We can’t let little things like this ruin our lives†¦ When I get discharged I’ll go back to Rubicam’s Business College. Yes, I will! BLANCHE: [she clutches LAURA by the shoulders] You can say that, you’re still young! What hope is there for an old maid like me? [The polka music and The Glass Menagerie combine austerely in the minds of the patients. An unholy union, two entities that never should have met. ] LAURA: [jumping up from her chair, repulsed at being touched] I-I think I’m done here! [in her haste to vacate the table she knocks her plate to the floor, where it duly shatters into countless pieces that dance across the floor. The light reflects off the porcelain pieces, framing LAURA in an impromptu spotlight. The breaking noise is audible over the tumultuous din of the room. Many diners turn to look at the spectacle. ] LAURA: [in a tone of utter despair, covering her face with her hands] No†¦ Stop staring†¦! I’m going to be sick! [Exit LAURA, who runs away from the scene. The cafeteria soon returns to its natural state, having forgotten that Laura Wingfield ever existed. ] BLANCHE: Shakespeare got it right! ‘Alas, I am a woman friendless, hopeless! ’ There is truly no hope for some people in this world! [the sound of the door slamming behind Laura as she flees is audible as the light gradually fades out. ]

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Napoleon and Caesar :: European Europe History

Napoleon and Caesar Napoleon Bonaparte's success as a military leader and conqueror can also be seen in another great leader, Julius Caesar. Both Napoleon and Caesar achieved great glory by bringing their countries out of turmoil. It was Caesar, that Napoleon modeled himself after, he wanted to be as great, if not greater than Caesar. Looking to the past, Napoleon knew what steps to take in order to achieve success Napoleon devoured books on the art of war. Volume after volume of military theory was read, analyzed and criticized. He studied the campaigns of history's most famous commanders; Alexander the Great, Hannibal, Frederick the Great and his favorite and most influential, Julius Caesar (Marrin 17). Julius Caesar was the strong leader for the Romans who changed the course of history of the Greco - Roman world decisively and irreversibly. Caesar was able to create the Roman Empire because of his strength and his strong war strategies (Duggan 117). Julius Caesar was to become one of the greatest generals, conquering the whole of Gaul. In 58 BC, Caesar became governor and military commander of Gaul, which included modern France, Belgium, and portions of Switzerland, Holland, and Germany west of the Rhine. For the next eight years, Caesar led military campaigns involving both the Roman legions and tribes in Gaul who were often competing among themselves. Julius Caesar was a Roman general and statesman whose dictatorship was pivotal in Rome's transition from republic to empire (Duggan 84). Caesar's principles were to keep his forces united; to be vulnerable at no point, to strike speedily at critical points; to rely on moral factors, such as his reputation and the fear he inspired, as well as political means in order to insure the loyalty of his allies and the submissiveness of the conquered nations. He made use of every possible opportunity to increase his chances of victory on the battlefield and, in order to accomplish this, he needed unity of all his troops (Duggan 117). From the time that he had first faced battle in Gaul and discovered his own military genius, Caesar was evidently fascinated and obsessed by military and imperial problems. He gave them an absolute priority over the more delicate by no less fundamental task of revising the Roman constitution. The need in the latter sphere was a solution which would introduce such elements of authoritarianism, which were necessary to check corruption and administrative weakness (Grant, Caesar 61).

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Assimilation or Retaining Ethnic Identity

Assimilation or Retaining Ethnic Identity America was founded by a group of diverse immigrants. All immigrants are coming from different parts of the world such as Asia, Europe, Africa and Mexico and so on. Therefore, each person has his or her own culture, religion and beliefs. Most of the people who are immigrants are non-English speaking and face struggles and numerous challenges to assimilate into American society. Millions of people have been discriminated due to skin color, religions, and beliefs, so it means that people face struggles with assimilation and acculturation.One sure thing is people must understand others cultures when they fall in love with different races, or when they go to school at different countries. However, most of the people are not assimilating for their religion, and they are proud of being what they are. Love is blind. Love is the result of appreciating another’s goodness. So it is wonderful when people fall in love with each other. Love comes f rom emotion, so nobody can limit that one has to fall in love within the same race, especially in the United States where many different races are living together in the same land.That is why it is not an odd thing that white men fall in love with Asian girls or black men fall in love with white girls. But if one falls in love with someone from another race he or she will have to learn and understand his or her culture to build a long term relationship. On December 25th 2005, Junot Diaz published in the New Yorker about â€Å"How to Date a Brown girl, Black girl, White girl or Halfie†. Many people like to read this, and most of the readers commented that it provided really useful tips for the first date with different race girls.Before dating, the speaker Junot Diaz gives advice to the readers: â€Å"Clear the government cheese from the refrigerator†. Moreover, the speaker said â€Å"If she’s a white girl you know you’ll at least get a hand job. † If a man dated the white girl, he could involve sexual activities. He needs to find out what she wants to do after dinner and spends the rest of evening as she likes. According to the Junot Diaz â€Å"If she’s a halfie don’t be surprised that her mother is white. † The girl’s mother will be white or black or Asian, but he shouldn’t show the emotions of shocked and should say â€Å"Hi† to her mother friendly and smoothly.If he doesn’t prepare well to find what she likes or what her culture, he might get broken-heart. Moreover, he will not get a happy relationship. Some people may argue that a good relationship is only based on the personality instead of his or her culture and history, and they don’t need to assimilate others. For example, a white guy’s date with Asian girl may involve sexual activities for the first date. As a result, she may be think he is a ridiculous and rude person, and she won’t meet again bec ause Asian girl hardly ever involve sexual activities before she gets married.Assimilation and acculturation are needed in some situations. According to the Migration World Magazine â€Å"Non-English speaking immigrants grew quickly in numbers†. Most of the immigrants from Southern, and Eastern Europe, Asia and Africa don’t know the English language well. They are struggling with learning English because it takes them a little bit long to speak frequently. In Latino Issue conservative blog, Josue Sierra discussed about getting good English speaking skills is essential for immigrants in education, jobs opportunities, and preventing crime.The speaker says â€Å"If immigrants don’t speak English, chances are they won’t get very far from a low-level laborer positions†. Some immigrants are already graduated and have a higher education in their country, but they only get lower job positions in the United States because they can’t speak English wel l. The speaker also mentions â€Å"An immigrant who has learned English can also look forward to better paying work in their home country†. It means that the immigrants who want to go back home have a benefit by learning English. They can get a better salary than any other in their home country by knowing English well.Some students find difficulties in college because teaching styles are different from their home town and self-study is essential for all students in the United States. For example, Burma which is situated in South East Asia, students are not allowed to argue with the teachers’ ideas. Arguing with teachers is rude and asking questions means students don’t understand the lessons. Moreover, teachers assume asking questions to them means they are not good at teaching, and it insults them. So most of the children are afraid to ask question even they don’t understand. These habits are hard to vanish when they are studying in the United States.Tha t’s why most Asian students are quiet in the class. Moreover, they have to study detail in text books and are not allowed to use their own idea. Next, â€Å"An immigrant that doesn’t speak English will be more hesitant to contact authorities when they are victimized, out of fear of not being understood†. Some of the international high school students have been bullied by English speakers. But they dare not to talk about it to their parents or teachers because they are afraid they can’t explain well. Sometimes, some non-English speaking girls get robbed, but they don’t dare talk to the police.Above these reasons, it is better for immigrants to forget their own origins and try to assimilate the new language. Most immigrants can assimilate living style, wearing style and some cultures in a short time, but they hard to try to assimilate another religion. In the United States, Christian is 78. 4% including Protestant and Catholic; other religions are 4. 7% such as Jewish (1. 7%), Buddhist (0. 7 %), Muslim (0. 6 %), Hindu (0. 4 %), Unaffiliated (16. 1%), Humanism (0. 8%) according to U. S Religious Landscape Survey. A Muslim guy could marry with the Christian girl, even though; the girl or the guy hard to change their religion status.Most of the children who were born to two different religions parents become Humanism. The United States is a democratic country and has freedom of religion and beliefs without government influence or interference. Even though, the country still has problems related to the religious beliefs. For example, in the abortion case, some Catholics don’t agree to destroy the pro-life as â€Å"Don’t kill Jesus’s children† because they assume that people is created by Jesus. For humanism and unaffiliated, they may think this abortion cases are the human right to destroy or not. People dare to die for their religions or their beliefs.So many religion wars have occurred in the world. An other example of religious attack happened on September 11 in New York. Many people’s life lost and the rest of the families felt pain and suffer about this attack. Actually â€Å"Religion is not a way to pigeonhole someone,† Professor of Religion Bruce Lawrence said. â€Å"You can be very Muslim, but also be very American because you appreciate the freedom and opportunity of the country. Loyalty to one's own background is an important part of being American. † Conflict over Muslim immigrants occurs not only in the United States but also in Europe.For example, in France, Muslims girls are banned by wearing chadors (head scarves) by French president. Moreover, in German schools, Muslims girls are asking to take the class of physical education class such as swimming or gym. According to Marion Berning, director of the Rixdorfer primary school in Berlin, Germany, â€Å"We have Muslim girls who say they don't want to swim with the boys. It's obvious the parents exe rt pressure on them, but [the parents] have to accept that coeducation is part of German schools. † These kind of small conflicts lead to ethnic disunity and hostile communities in Europe.In contrast to the European conception, assimilation in the United States â€Å"has always been much more flexible and accommodating and, consequently, much more effective in achieving its purpose,† according to Peter D. Salins, author of Assimilation, American Style. Different immigrants have different ideas of assimilation into American culture. People may get many new experiences and new ideas by assimilating, especially building good relationships and friendships. However, assimilating also has a drawback such as losing one’s own culture and traditions.So immigrants should decide themselves what American cultures support them to have a better life if they assimilate. If they can have a better life due to assimilating into other cultures, they should go for it. Simultaneously , they should keep some value about their own cultures to say what they are. Works Cited G. McDonald , Hellen and R. Balgopal, Pallassana. â€Å"Conflicts of American immigrants: Assimilate or Retain Ethnic Identiy. † Migration World Magazine. May-June 1998. Web. 9 November 2012. â€Å"Introduction to Immigration: Current Controversies. † Immigration. Ed.Louise I. Gerdes. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2005. Current Controversies. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 10 Nov. 2012. Junot , Diaz. â€Å"How To Date A Brown Girl ( black girl, white girl, or halfie),† The New Yorker, 25 December 1995. Web. 10 November 2012. Sierra , Jouse. â€Å"The Important of English for Immigrants. † Latino Issues, A Conservative Blog. 8 April 2007. Web. 9 November. 2012. â€Å"U. S Religious Landscape Survey. † The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life. 1615 L Street, NW Suite 700 Washington, DC 20036-50610, n. d . Web. 9 Novemeber. 2012.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Michelangelo: Sistine Chapel

Michelangelo: The Sistine Chapel The Sistine Chapel is a chapel in the Apostolic Palace in the Vatican City. It is one of the most famous and memorable pieces of art in the history of art. This beautiful piece of art history took a little over four years to complete. He started this project in July of 1508 and finished in October of 1512. Pope Julius II had requested Michelangelo paint the ceiling in the chapel. The Pope was strong-minded that Rome should be renovated to show its prior exaltation.He was on a mission to show this by painting the ceiling of the chapel and he wanted the very best painter complete it, which he believed to be Michelangelo. Julius II assumed that if he had the ceiling painted that it would glorify his name and he would become more popular with the people under him. Pope Julius II wanted to make sure that every job he did for the Vatican City was more impressive than Pope Alexander VI, which was Julius’s rival. The ceiling to this day is 131 feet lon g by 43 feet wide which means that Michelangelo painted roughly 5,000 square feet of the ceiling.There were questions such as why was Michelangelo painting when he was a sculptor and the answer was that the Pope believed he would be the best for the job, even though that Michelangelo had only painted one other painting in his career because he worked mostly with sculptures. The start to this painting was slow simply because Angelo had never painted frescoes before. Angelo had to learn many new techniques for this painting but once he understood what he was doing his pace of painting sped up quite a bit. (Esaak. Many questions were asked about the painting and about Michelangelo while the painting was going on and many, many years afterwards. There are still questions going on to this day. One questions asked was why it took four years to paint the ceiling and there were many various reasons as to why this was. There were many setbacks such as mold, which made the painter and some of the others in the building during this time sick, and glum, wet weather often because of the frequent rain that prevented the plaster and molding to dry and stick together.During the time period of the painting Pope Julius II went off to war, and became close to death at one time. (Katz. ) This prevented Michelangelo from getting paid and furthering the painting because, although the entire project and design was his, Angelo did not want to make any decisions without the conformation from Julius. Angelo created this whole design himself, but he did need assistants when it came to completing the project. His assistants did things such as mix paints, rush up and down the ladders, and prepare the plaster he needed for his project.Angelo trusted very few to let him ever paint the ceiling. There were rare incidents that allowed him to trust someone enough to work on the sky or landscape parts, but they never did more than that. Most people always wondered if he completed the ceiling all by himself and questioned if that was a reason the painting took so long to accomplish. One question that also struck the audience was if Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel lying on his back, as most rumors would tell. The answer to this question was no, he did not.There was a movie made which reenacted the painting of the chapel, and the actor in that movie did lie on his back to create a more dramatic effect of how challenging the painting was. Angelo actually assembled a scaffolding system, which is a temporary structure for holding workers and materials during the production or decoration of a building mostly used by painters. The one he created himself was sturdy enough o hold himself, workers, and materials needed to complete his project but was higher up because there was always a chance it couldn’t hold the weight up. Katz) There were many rumors going around that Angelo had a few misfortunes when it came to his health during the duration of the painting. He had to bend over backwards to paint the ceiling and paint over his head, which was quite a weird, uncomfortable position to be in for the long period of time he was there. This type of position could cause neck and back aches permanently, and cause a burning in ones arms that would not help the pain. Angelo also claimed that this permanently ruined his vision, which led to rumors of him being blind.Andrew Graham-Dixon, who was the chief art critic for London’s Sunday Telegraph said, â€Å"He (Angelo) was working on the largest multi-figure compositions of the entire ceiling when the actual fresco plaster itself became infected by a kind of lime mold, which is like a great bloom of fungus, so he had to chip the whole thing back to zero and start again. Eventually he sped up. He got better. † The audience’s today question how someone could start off so badly on a project like this, and complete something as magnificent and beautiful as this when they had never painte d before, and it end up the way it did and become so popular and famous?Some people say that most artists are born with talent and started whatever they’re good at well; Angelo was good at sculpting, not painting. He had only completed one other painting and the rest of his artwork was sculptures. Graham-Dixon asked a very inquisitive question that went into great detail of the painting. Andrew asks, â€Å"Yet I found myself wondering, why did Michelangelo have God create Adam with a finger? † (Katz. ) This is a type of question that digs further than the questions the general audience would ask simply because he understands art and tries to reveal true meanings behind his findings.Graham-Dixon wrote a book, which this previous question was asked in, and he also states: â€Å"In other representations, for example, if you look at Ghiberti’s doors in Florence, God raises up Adam with a gesture of his hand. And as I turned over various ideas and theories, I began to see it as the creation of the education of Adam, because that’s the symbolism of the finger. God writes on us with his finger, in certain traditions of theology. In the Jewish tradition, that’s how he writes the tablets of the Ten Commandments for Moses—he sort of lasers them with his finger.The finger is the conduit through which God’s intelligence, his ideas and his morality seep into Man. And if you look at that painting very closely, you see that God isn’t actually looking at Adam, he’s looking at his own finger, as if to channel his own instructions and thoughts through that finger. † Statements and questions like this in the book take up many debates and myths about the Sistine Chapel, like the rumor about Angelo lying on his back to complete the painting when really it was just portrayed that was because of a movie.Another stimulating testimony made in Andrew Graham-Dixon’s book, Michelangelo and the Sistine Chapel, wa s a short exert from a poem Angelo wrote to his friend trying to be amusing saying, â€Å"My beard toward Heaven, I feel the back of my brain upon my neck. My loins have penetrated to my paunch†¦I’m not in a good place, and I’m no painter. † The obvious idea of the ceiling is the principle of humanity's need for Salvation as offered by God through Jesus. This is a visual representation of the need for a strong relationship with God.When studied by professional researchers and scientists, the picture unravels more interesting details than most would imagine. The entire sections of the painting tell the story from nine scenes that came out of the Book of Genesis. (Sistine) The visual effects of this project portray the idea the God created a perfect world then placed the humankind as part of this perfect world but humanity couldn’t handle it and they completed actions that deserved punishments as bad as death and separation from God.The painting goes o n to show the deeper troubles that humanity dug themselves into, and the punishments they endured to show they were becoming a disgrace. It goes on to show God sent their savior, Jesus, to better the world and rid them on their sins. Although most of the painting is linked back to the early church beliefs, the ceiling also has components that express the exact Renaissance thinking that required reconciling Christian theology with the belief of Humanism of the Renaissance. (Sistine. ) Angelo was an odd individual in his younger years.At the age of 17 he began dissecting corpses from the church graveyard. There were reasons to believe that Angelo had secret messages in the painting he completed for Pope Julius II. This was followed by the evidences that Angelo was also a anatomist and not just an artist. Angelo tried to hide this detail about him by destroying almost all of his anatomical drawings and notes. After many years of study with the evidence Angelo did not get a change to de stroy, scientists discovered that his drawings and notes were hidden in the painting of the Sistine Chapel.In the panel of God Creating Adam was a clearly and easily seen visual of the human brain in the cross section. (Fields. ) Scientists guess that Michelangelo surrounded God with a veil representing the human brain to suggest that God was giving Adam not only life, but also supreme human intelligence. (Fields. ) In the panel The Separation of Light from Darkness there is more evidence of Angelo having anatomical visuals in his painting. Leading up to God’s chest and developing though his throat, there is a clear depiction of a human spinal cord and brain stem that researchers and scientists have discovered.Some people have come to the understanding or belief that these hidden discoveries are just homage to God. (Fields. ) The lighting in the neck of God in one panel showing the clear visual of the brain is questioned because scientists do not understand how one can commit the clumsy act of highlighting the secrets he was trying to keep hidden. There is more that researchers have not discovered yet, but there will be more studying of the painting until what scientists believes to be everything hidden by Angelo is uncovered.Once the Sistine Chapel was completed Pope Julius II celebrated, and shortly after a few years later he passed away. After his passing, Michelangelo was asked to paint the wall behind the alter; he accepted this request and title this piece of art The Last Judgment. (Last Judgment. ) He started the project in 1536 and finally finished it in 1541. The picture comes out from the center of Christ, and Michelangelo had decided to show the many different saints included in the work holding the instruments of their martyrdom instead of the actual scenes of torture.Once Michelangelo completed this painting, the new Pope, Pope Paul III, had officially decided that since these paintings were in House of God that the naked people had to be c overed with some type of veils, loincloths, or any type of cloth as long as they were not being exposed to the public in this House of God. (Last Judgment. ) Angelo had been given an artistic license too not only portray images from the Bible in his paintings, but also in mythology. The genitalia in the fresco was covered in 1564 when Michelangelo passed about by the mannerist artist Daniele da Volterra, when the Council of Trent condemned nudity in religious art.Some artists have become famous just by using techniques used by Michelangelo and inspire such artists to try to achieve a greatness he has accomplished, and is undertaking today still even though he isn’t around anymore. Works Cited Esaak, Shelley. â€Å"Michelangelo – The Sistine Chapel Ceiling. † About. com Art History. N. p. , n. d. Web. 20 Sept. 2012. Fields, Douglas R. â€Å"Michelangelo Secret Message in the Sistine Chapel: A Juxtaposition of God and the Human Brain | Guest Blog, Scientific Amer ican Blog Network. Michelangelo Secret Message in the Sistine Chapel: A Juxtaposition of God and the Human Brain. N. p. , 27 May 2010. Web. 23 Sept. 2012. Katz, Jamie. â€Å"Smithsonian. com. † Smithsonian Magazine. N. p. , 10 Apr. 2009. Web. 22 Sept. 2012. â€Å"The Last Judgement. Images of a Masterpiece. † Last Judgement, Michelangelo's Sistine Masterpiece. N. p. , n. d. Web. 30 Sept. 2012. â€Å"The Last Judgment (Michelangelo). † Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 10 Nov. 2012. Web. 27 Sept. 2012. â€Å"Sistine Chapel Ceiling. † Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 10 Nov. 2012. Web. 26 Sept. 2012.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Computer Ethics Essay Sample

Computer Ethics Essay Sample Computer Ethics Essay Computer ethics entails practices, values, and procedures that rule the process of access and consumption of computing technology and the linking disciplines without distorting the moral beliefs and values of people or the entire community. It is a concept in ethics that mainly focus on the ethical issues and challenges that result from the use of computers and strategies to curb them. Computer ethics majorly enforce the implementation of ethical computing procedures and usage of the computing materials and outlines the required methods that curb unauthorized transfer of digital contents. The discipline also helps to minimize other unethical processes, for instance, infringing copyrights as well as trademarks. The major aspects that relate to computer ethics mainly base on cases regarding the use of the internet, for example, privacy and user interactions with software, websites and other connected services. The common aspects of a computer ethics are such as privacy concerns, the intellectual property rights, and the impact of computers on the society. Personal data is vital when engaging in any business and thus available to other people as well as organizations. Privacy should, therefore, be upheld to protect this personal information through a technique called encryption. Privacy entails the ability of an individual to make reproductive and personal decisions w ithout any interference that is, freedom from any form of surveillance. Computer ethics describes information technology and the way to explore this technology to the users. Computer ethics also outline the challenges of running computer software and hardware as a result of misuse by the users. The modern society depends vastly on the computer networks to leverage the social and business life and thus there erupts both personal and social ethical concerns. Lack of computers would halt most of the industries today. However, most of the electronic communication between individuals and businesses, for instance, do not guarantee any privacy and security. Initially, when the computer technology was established, there was an absence of ethical standards regarding their use which resulted in challenges. However, the discussion in computer ethics brought a consensus and had solved the computer related problems. Some of the commandments regarding computer ethics dictate that one is not allowed to use a computer to harm others as it is highly unethical. It is ther efore immoral for one to access and distort other people’s files. Computer ethics also dictates that one should not interfere with another person’s work and therefore spreading and generating computer viruses to others is considered unethical. Snooping around files that do not belong to you means invading other people’s privacy and this is similar to break into others people’s rooms which are considered unethical. Using computers to steal or log into other people accounts, bank or company is similar to robbery thus ethical.It is against computer ethics to use computers to bear false witness against someone or copy any software without paying for it first. No individual is allowed to access other people’s resources without being authorized to do so and appropriating somebody else’s intellectual output is against the commandments of computer ethics. It is ethical for one to consider the consequences of any program they write and individuals are encouraged to think about computers in a broad social perspective. Compu ter ethics dictate that every person should use a computer in a way that enhances respect and consideration to ensure safety and satisfaction. Currently, we live in an era where computers are vastly used, and almost every individual has a chance to explore the internet before they commence their formal education. In this way, computers can be described as electronic devices that are human-made with the aim of maximizing welfare and convenience, with no thoughts process internally regarding moral actions.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Define and write your professional learning and development identity

Define and write your professional learning and development identity Write your professional identity, Training Journal Its not an accident that one of the West Ends most popular stage shows at the moment is about a character in search of his purpose. The protagonist in Avenue Q is a comedy puppet searching for direction. But his questions of Who am I? and What am I here to do? are not just New Age, mystical musings; they are at the core of what it means to be successful in any business. In fact, if you scratch the surface of most successful companies, youll find whole departments set up to create a brand identity that lets customers know exactly who they are and what they do. Take the brand Innocent Drinks, for example. If you buy an Innocent smoothie, youre not just buying a drink. Youre buying a fun, fresh and completely natural experience that contains two of servings of fruit in a 250ml serving. Its a tasty little shot of good health. And the witty words on the Innocent website, bottles and advertising campaigns tell you so. But its not just companies that need to create this type of brand identity. You need to forge your own voice within your organisation. The employees you work with need to know who you are; what you stand for; what you do and why they need to take notice of you and your work. Communicating this in a powerful, succinct way isnt always easy. Employees often get caught up in the ins and outs of their particular roles and forget about issues outside their immediate remit. They may even feel that taking time out for professional development is an unwelcome diversion from the work at hand. For this reason its essential that you as a learning and development specialist develop a strong professional identity to enable you to have greater influence over the people you work with. Your skills, personality and values are integral to your brand. But its also vital to develop a strong, human, written voice to ensure that you present yourself in a positive light. Innocent have cottoned on to the fact that creating a distinct written voice is an effective way of connecting with their customers. You also need to ensure that your writing style is an integral part of your personal brand. Your written voice is the end result of the words and phrases you use in order to communicate your ideas and recommendations. It needs to be bright, concise and speak directly to your reader. But it should also reflect your personality, vision, achievements and goals. So here is a blueprint for creating a written voice that is distinctly yours. Laying the foundations You need to do some groundwork before working on your writing style. Grab a pen and paper and jot down words, phrases and sentences that describe your skills and personality. You might write, I am someone who sees potential in others, or My core skills are motivating and empowering others. Spend time thinking about your values and all the facets of your personality that make you who you are. And dont forget to note down examples of the value that you create for your organisation. Next, decide which points are most relevant to your work. Organise these into the headings values, personality traits, skills and results. Finally, combine all of this into a powerful statement of purpose. Decide what the overall purpose of your job is. And make sure that this is aligned with the purpose of your organisation. Remember, this foundation work is integral to creating the brand that you will express through your written voice. So dont feel that this has to be a one-off exercise. You can keep coming back to this until you feel youve completely brainstormed everything about you and your work. And keep this work safe its a powerful document that you should keep referring to. Sizzling sound bites In order to create a strong professional identity through your writing, you need to develop ways of succinctly communicating important information about you and your work. Imagine that youre in an airport when you meet a powerful business leader, such as Richard Branson. You strike up a brief conversation and he asks you what you do for a living. You have about 30 seconds to impress before you go your separate ways. Most people would say something such as, Im a learning and development manager for a large pharmaceutical company. But describing yourself in terms of your job title and company doesnt give you a strong identity. Throughout the world there are thousands of learning and development managers in pharmaceutical companies. So set yourself apart by communicating whats special about your brand of learning and development. The way to do this is to explain the context of your role, the issues you deal with and your results. For instance, you could say, I help pharmaceutical research teams to increase their productivity. I do this by transforming the way they approach their work. By finding out what makes them tick, I help each person add more to the business bottom line. Now it probably wouldnt sound natural to deliver this statement in its entirety in one go. But if you have it committed to memory, youll be able work each of its component sentences into most introductory business conversations. By speaking in this way, you explain who you are, what you do and what value you bring to your organisation. Practise developing these compelling two or three sentence summaries of what you do. Write out several of them, referring to different areas of your work. And begin to use them when people both internally and externally ask you about what you do. What does your writing really say about you? Gather together some recent documents that you have written. These could be reports, briefing documents or even emails that you have sent to other employees. Critically look at what messages your writing sends. For example, if one of the things you most value is clear communication, then look at how clear your writing is. If your purpose is to make other peoples jobs more efficient, is your writing clearly structured so that its quick and easy to read? And do you refer to psychometric models or training processes that only a training specialist would really grasp? Does your writing really reflect your values and personality? If you tend to use lots of long sentences, your writing may not reflect a decisive personality. Similarly, a long document that lacks subheads to break it up is not the best way to reflect that youre excited by change. Your writing needs to communicate your brand the elements that make you different. If it doesnt effectively communicate the changes that you have made happen, then it wont be representing you and your work. The principles behind the following techniques can help you to analyse your current documents. Applying them to any new written work can transform the way you (and your documents) are perceived. And crucially, they can help you to effectively communicate the underlying purpose of your work. Seven techniques for honing your written voice One Focus on your reader Before you begin writing a document, ask yourself the following questions: What is the document about? Who will read it? How much do they already know about the subject? What do they absolutely need to know? How important is the subject to them? How interested are they in the subject (which is not necessarily the same question as above)? Focusing on your readers in this way will help to make sure that you present yourself as helping their work lives. Training may be top of your agenda but others may not see it as a business priority. Thinking about the needs of your readers will help you shape your writing so that its relevant to them. Two Clarify your main message If youre unsure of your main message, you can be certain that your readers will be equally bemused. So spend time thinking about what you really want to say. Brainstorm ideas by asking yourself the questions: What? Where? When? How? Why? and Who? Group together the points or ideas that have things in common. Then decide what is important and essential for your readers to know. Your main message is among these points and it can vary depending on which stance you want to take. For example, if youre writing a report on psychometric testing as a training tool, your main message might be to outline the cost savings to your organisation. Alternatively, you may want to stress how employees work better as a team once they become aware of their own personality traits. Next you need to plan which order to put your points in. Your main message is the golden nugget of any document. So make sure it stands out by including it in the first paragraph. Then arrange your other points in order of importance. Three Create snappy titles and subheads Journalists know that a headline is the most powerful tool for winning over a reader. So take a tip from professional writers and make yours arresting. If your report is about the cost savings of psychometric testing, your title could be Psychometric testing: how a fifty-minute quiz has saved 50,000. This is much more powerful than a functional title, such as The results of workplace psychometric testing Similarly, break up the text with subheads that are equally attention-grabbing. For example, if youre writing about an initiative that will be happening shortly, you could include a subhead that reads The final countdown. This creates an image of the initiative as being exciting and worth waiting for. Four Keep it short and sweet Short sentences are effective as they break up ideas into bite-size chunks. Aim for each sentence to be between 15 and 20 words. If your sentences are any longer, its difficult for your ideas to stand out. Similarly, never write a 1000-word document when a 500-word one will do. Always go through your work and cross out any meaningless words or sentences. And aim to make every single word count. Its better to do several drafts of a document than to rush out the original long, rambling version. Five Use active language Use the active voice where possible, as it gives your writing movement. For instance, write This technique has really improved productivity, instead of A real improvement in the productivity of employees has been noticed following the application of this simple technique. Notice that the first example uses the verb improve rather than the noun improvement. Opting to use verbs over nouns helps to make your writing punchier. Six Share your success For any training programme to be a success, it needs to address core business needs or goals. Ask yourself why your organisation exists, why it matters and what difference it makes in peoples lives. Always communicate the success of any learning and development initiatives in terms of specific business objectives. For example, you can write Performance management training reduced staff turnover by 5 per cent in 2009, saving 100,000. By sharing specific business results in this way, you enable others to perceive your initiatives as having true value and being dynamic enough to improve the business bottom line Seven Be accurate To gain credibility, your writing needs to be flawless. So pay particular attention to grammar, punctuation and spelling. When youve worked long and hard on a document, it can be easy to gloss over typos and other mistakes as your eyes begin to see what they expect to see. For this reason, you need to proofread documents very slowly. It helps to take a pencil and stop it at every word. Always double check facts and figures, and if possible, also ask a colleague to proofread it too. A fresh pair of eyes can work wonders. Make your own writing a focus at the outset of any new initiatives and training programmes. And ensure that you apply your new written voice consistently. It is well worth the effort, as a strong written voice is an ambassador for all you do. Remember, in these troubled economic times, excelling in all areas of your personal brand is a must. And using language effectively can propel you to the next tier of success. Whats more, mastering writing skills not only helps to cement your own professional identity, but it can inspire your colleagues to do the same. Leave others in no doubt about who you are and what youre here to do, and theyll be more likely to follow your lead.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

International Business Examination Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5750 words

International Business Examination - Essay Example First stage In the first stage, the emphasis is on research and development that is focused on new product development. The firm is able to maintain its leverage in the market due to high demand for the product which has relatively few competitions. The stage is also marked by high profitability which gives further thrust to technology and processes. But the new product has smaller domestic market. The first stage is inherently linked to strategic initiatives of the firm which are used to exploit its competitive advantage to progress to the next level. Second stage The second stage of product’s life cycle is process of maturing which leads to competition because other firms compete on variations of the product putting downward pressure on the prices. This necessitates the innovating firm to expand globally and focus on technology and intense marketing to maintain its niche market position. The phase also highlights growth of the firm with higher emphasis on internationalizatio n in order to gain leverage by shifting production to new location in other countries with low production cost and increase profit. The near standardisation of product results in established technologies, low focus on R&D and growing domestic and export market. FDI emerges as attractive option mainly for two reasons: to ease out price pressure from the domestic market; and to overcome the barriers of import in foreign countries and lower production cost (Krugman & Obstfeld, 2009). Moreover, the stage is also relevant because it provides opportunities for firms to expand their market internationally and create new avenues of growth. Third stage In this phase, the product is matured and completely standardised and there is intense competition. With market saturation, the production is moved to overseas production sites with low production cost so that finished goods can be re-imported from these locations for home market with higher profit margin. Some scholars believe that the maturi ty of the product accelerates R&D to infuse it with greater value added service so that it can serve the changing needs of the customers as new product (Leinwand & Mainardi, 2010). This is interesting because it promotes the concept of recycling of products and product cycles to constantly improve and improvise market. Thus, firms can maintain their niche position through constant innovation and growth in new market and existing market. 1(b) In the 21st century, the model provides a realistic description of firm internationalization. The stage approach is supported by various scholars who believe that sequential progression in the stages of product life cycle creates linkages for internationalization of firms (Li, 2007; Johanson & Vahlne, 1990). The virtual economy, liberalization of market and most importantly, the inter-dependence of resources promote expansion of market and serve as major imperative for internationalization of firm. The innovative firm in the developed country fi rst serves domestic market and gradually expands to other developing nations to serve local markets to leverage increasing competition. Later emerging markets provide them with locations that are cost effective in terms of production and become attractive. Most importantly, in the 21st

Friday, November 1, 2019

Global Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Global Business - Essay Example A cornerstone of this notion of International human resource management is the creation of linkage or integration between the overall strategic aims of the business and the human resource strategy and implementation. The aviation industry as a whole has faced the most challenging problems and competition in the global business (Thehindubusinessline.com.) Despite new and increasing challenges, the airline industry facilitates economic growth, global trade, and international tourism and continues to restructure, develop and adapt to counter them. The entry of multinationals has also brought in fundamental changes in the work culture, work ethics and remunerating patterns in many countries, all of which have a clear bearing on the career growth path of individuals. Added to this are the rapid changes taking place on the technological front, flattening hierarchies and making people come together more than ever before. Multinational companies such as telecommunications, Mobile phones Steel magnets, automobiles industries, oil companies, are driving and adjusting to globalization and innovation of change by applying many strategies, partnering with or acquiring others mergers and buyouts. The airline industry is going through a period of intense transformation. The airline industry is facing three transforming phenomena. The main reasons are: The decrease of soaring demand for air travel The appearance of a new fleet of low-cost carriers; The increased transparency of alternative airline offerings Internet and other technologies reduces the expensive itineraries (Warren, 2006, 262) 2. Structure of the Industry The changing business environment forcing airline companies to constantly innovate their strategies, as per customer's needs and demands to remain alive in the competition Six elements that define organization; Strategy Policies and Procedures Structure Systems Climate Culture (Source: Yvonne, 2000, p-5) The structure of an organization is defined as: The established pattern of relationships between the component parts of an organization, outlining both communication, control and authority patterns. Structure distinguishes the parts of an organization and delineates the relationship between them. (Wilson and Rosenfeld, 1990) Structure describes the hierarchy of authority and accountability in an organization. These formal relationships are frequently diagrammed in organization charts. Most companies use some mi of structures to accomplish their goals The advantages of a good structure in airline industries are